When you have a Sapphire luxury residence ready put on the market, you are about to enter a specialized area of the real estate realm. The luxury home market is, as the name implies, other than ordinary—and so are some of the ways to effectively navigate through it.
First off, we have to recognize the importance of the fact that the pool of prospective buyers is a good deal smaller than that for a standard home. By the National Association of Realtor®s’ assessment, it comprises only about 8% of the buying public. This speck of a target audience might seem to create a discouraging marketing handicap—but it’s balanced by the fact that these well-heeled buyers are only attracted to about 8% of the homes presented in the Sapphire listings. These buyers have more defined objectives than most: a true luxury home prospect isn’t about to accept any other than a high-end residence. Because there are fewer of such properties on the market at any given time, your own luxury residence stands to benefit. Limited supply is, after all, the simplest marketing cure for a limited demand situation.
One characteristic that distinguishes the best luxury residences is exactly that: it’s distinguished. Luxury residences do well when they have distinctive, notable features in their design or setting—even better if those features create a theme that’s memorable. Lacking that, a property may be able to depend upon sheer size or quantity (bedrooms, bathrooms) as well as quality construction to validate its place in the luxury category.
To be in show condition, a property in any category that is up for sale in Sapphire needs to be well maintained and presented. But for luxury residences, there may be a difference in the degree of attention required. The finer the property, the more attention any lapse attracts. Fair or not, people have a tendency to notice (and remember) even minor maintenance miscues—anything that stands out. The last thing you want is for a minor flub to be the most memorable thing a prospect takes away after an otherwise sterling showing.
There is also a seemingly extraneous factor that can help a luxury residence sale: the homeowner’s disposition. Eligible buyers in this category are typically busy people with demanding schedules. They may also be used to calling the shots in their own careers—and as potential buyers of an expensive property, assume they will be treated like what they are: VIPs. Since the owners of Sapphire luxury residences probably have similar credentials deserving the same degree of deference, being asked to accommodate a buyer’s sudden schedule change can be grating. The more understanding an owner can be, the more likely to result in the kind of positive atmospherics that produce the hoped-for result.
The actual mechanics associated with the sale of a luxury residence are generally more involved than with run-of-the-mill home sale transactions because financing, inspections, etc. are usually more time-consuming. To keep the proceedings on track and as efficient as possible, a key ingredient is the same as that which propels the entire process: close communication between the owner and the owner’s Realtor.
It starts with the kind of no-obligation consultation I’m pleased to offer—and it’s only a phone call away!